
A simple MyAnimeList client to track anime and manga.

Uses MVVM/MVI Concepts, Moshi, Retrofit, Coroutines, Hilt, Paging 3, ViewBinding, Coil, MDC Library, Jetpack libraries.


An android library that checks for app updates.

Uses Moshi, Retrofit, Coroutines.

Link Manager

An app to keep track of all your links.

Uses MVVM Concepts, Room, Coroutines, Hilt, ViewBinding, Coil, MDC Library, Jetpack libraries.

Drawings Manager

An app to and and manage floor plan drawings with markers.

Uses MVVM Concepts, Room, Coroutines, Hilt, ViewBinding, Coil, MDC Library, Jetpack libraries.


Displays random jokes and can save them. Made for teaching students during AndroidStudyJams event.

Uses MVVM Concepts, Room, Coroutines, Retrofit, Hilt, ViewBinding, Jetpack libraries.


An app to help organizations manage their food mess, mainly colleges. University Android mini project.

Uses Flutter, Firebase firestore, Bloc.


Kotlin CLI tool to generate placeholder files in empty folders.

Uses Kotlin, Clikt.


A Web app to help manage your budget and expenses. University MiniProject.

Uses PHP, MySQL, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, Google Charts JS, 000webhost.